Onion Juice Challenge

Blogging does not come easy to me, and as you can clearly see, I am struggling to keep up. Since I have been MIA, let me tell you why. My hair suddenly started falling off in the month of June and it has not stopped. I also happened to travel for a month in August, and sadly the water did not suit my hair at all. I lost more hair than before and the texture changed drastically. My hair were dry and brittle throughout. I just lost all hope to start over my hair journey.

Fast forward to October, my hair fall is still too much and it has left me feeling depressed. But, but, I have found motivation (which I hope lasts long) so I have decided to start a hair journey for the entire month of October (and will continue if I see positive results).

As you are aware, I am suffering from hypothyroidism. The first change, or rather the first step I am taking is to take my thyroid medication on time, everyday. I know this doesn’t sound very drastic, but for me, keeping my thyroid in check is very important. Secondly , I am taking Biotin 10000 mcg tablets daily , once.
Warning for anyone who plans to take Biotin: The side effects may include acne so please do your research before taking it. Also, if you need to do any medical tests, make sure you stop taking Biotin 2-3 days prior to doing the test as it can interfere with your results (especially thyroid test results).

Now, for what I am really trying to do: I am going to apply onion and ginger juice on my hair every time before washing my hair. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, and also a little disgusting (because of the smell, duh!). Onion contains Sulfur which is highly beneficial for your hair growth. I wash my hair twice a week so basically I will be doing this 8 times a month. And as October has already begun, I have already done my first hair wash! For this treatment, you will need:

  • One red Onion
  • Two-Inch piece of ginger
  • Essential-Oil of your liking (Optional)

Put the onion and ginger in a blender and then take a sieve or a cloth and squeeze out the juice. Add your choice of essential oil to mask the smell of the ingredients. I personally put tea-tree oil because of its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antifungal properties. You can keep it from 30 mins to 1 hour. If anyone wishes to, they can mix it with their choice of oil (not literally mix because they both have different densities). I try not to add oil because my hair strands are very thin and oil is heavy on them, which just leads to more hair fall.

I will also, occasionally try different DIY masks, about which I will keep you updated. I will try to take pictures and see if it makes a difference at all.

Wish me luck!


Hello you guys!

It’s been a while since I have written here. I feel bad that I started a blog to record my hair journey but I got completely distracted from it. Mostly because I am suffering from severe acne (all of a sudden). I don’t know what’s causing it, but that became my primary focus instead of my hair.

I have not entirely given up on my hair though. I’m going to talk about the little things that I do, in whatever time that I do get. My first big change has been that I have replaced my shampoo. I used to use any shampoo that felt good, e.g, Head and Shoulders, Dove, Sunsilk etc. These were fine for a while but then my hair loss would begin again. So, I’m using a sulfate free shampoo from the brand OGX12It’s the biotin & collagen one. It has helped with my hair loss immensely. It also lathers well, which is a problem in sulfate free shampoos generally. I love the scent and it leaves my hair feeling shiny. I occasionally oil my hair with Castor oil and Olive oil (both cold pressed). I don’t oil very often because oiling causes a lot of my hair to fall in the shower.

I’m not comfortable sharing images of my hair yet, so I’m not taking any photos. I will start taking them just so I can see a difference. Wish me luck!

About Me

I’m a 24 year old Indian girl living in Kuwait. I’ve lived here my entire life, except when I went to India to do my Bachelor’s in Engineering. Yes, your girl here is an engineer.

I enjoy reading books, listening to music and eating food-a lot of food. Food is one of the few things that genuinely makes me very happy. I love trying new cuisines and dishes, my favorite dish being Biryani (duh!). Considering this, I don’t quite  look it. I’m extremely skinny, to the point of being malnourished which is ironical not only because I eat a lot, but because I suffer from Hypothyroidism which is known for making women gain a lot of weight.

I’m currently working as an engineer and I’m not enjoying this whole ‘being-an-adult’ thing. Keeping up with the world is difficult and I’m slowly learning. I am very hungry for knowledge – physics, history, religion, geography, criminology and anything else that piques my interest. We are at a  time where knowledge is accessible so easily. It’s crazy how much you can learn from the internet. That being said, I hope I learn something from this experience of blogging!


Hello, world! This is my very first public writing experience, and let me tell you, I’m nervous. Only because I have never done this kind of thing before and that I may leave a stupid impression of myself (if any audience is reading this at all, that is).

So, what am I doing and why am I doing it?

This blog is basically going to be about my hair loss experience and my journey to try and get my hair back.

I’m doing this because I have suffered from hair loss for so long but I have not been doing anything much to get it back. I start some remedies and then I give up in no time. I usually try natural remedies and the thing about natural remedies is that it takes time. And guess who is little Miss. Impatient? You’re right, it’s me. Guilty as charged! I thought at least if I start recording the journey, maybe, just maybe I will be regular. You must be wondering why I didn’t blog this on YouTube where interaction is more. The reason is that I am very camera shy. I am self conscious and have a very low self esteem. Oops. Hence, here I am, writing, journaling (is that even a word?) and most importantly, helping myself.

Now, about me. I’m a 24 year old Indian girl living in the Middle East. I’ve been suffering from Hypothyroidism since the age of 17. I also have iron and Vitamin D3 deficiency. I get depressed and stressed easily. Yeah, no wonders all the hair loss, eh?

So, wish me luck and let’s hope for the best! *fingers crossed*