
Hello, world! This is my very first public writing experience, and let me tell you, I’m nervous. Only because I have never done this kind of thing before and that I may leave a stupid impression of myself (if any audience is reading this at all, that is).

So, what am I doing and why am I doing it?

This blog is basically going to be about my hair loss experience and my journey to try and get my hair back.

I’m doing this because I have suffered from hair loss for so long but I have not been doing anything much to get it back. I start some remedies and then I give up in no time. I usually try natural remedies and the thing about natural remedies is that it takes time. And guess who is little Miss. Impatient? You’re right, it’s me. Guilty as charged! I thought at least if I start recording the journey, maybe, just maybe I will be regular. You must be wondering why I didn’t blog this on YouTube where interaction is more. The reason is that I am very camera shy. I am self conscious and have a very low self esteem. Oops. Hence, here I am, writing, journaling (is that even a word?) and most importantly, helping myself.

Now, about me. I’m a 24 year old Indian girl living in the Middle East. I’ve been suffering from Hypothyroidism since the age of 17. I also have iron and Vitamin D3 deficiency. I get depressed and stressed easily. Yeah, no wonders all the hair loss, eh?

So, wish me luck and let’s hope for the best! *fingers crossed*

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