About Me

I’m a 24 year old Indian girl living in Kuwait. I’ve lived here my entire life, except when I went to India to do my Bachelor’s in Engineering. Yes, your girl here is an engineer.

I enjoy reading books, listening to music and eating food-a lot of food. Food is one of the few things that genuinely makes me very happy. I love trying new cuisines and dishes, my favorite dish being Biryani (duh!). Considering this, I don’t quite  look it. I’m extremely skinny, to the point of being malnourished which is ironical not only because I eat a lot, but because I suffer from Hypothyroidism which is known for making women gain a lot of weight.

I’m currently working as an engineer and I’m not enjoying this whole ‘being-an-adult’ thing. Keeping up with the world is difficult and I’m slowly learning. I am very hungry for knowledge – physics, history, religion, geography, criminology and anything else that piques my interest. We are at a  time where knowledge is accessible so easily. It’s crazy how much you can learn from the internet. That being said, I hope I learn something from this experience of blogging!

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